Dowina Danubio
Jeg har altid ønsket mig at få råd til en rigtig god guitar. Ikke mindst efter jeg er gået på pension, og har fået tid til at udvikle mit guitarspil igen. Men jeg er ikke rig – i hvert fald ikke på penge, så jeg havde lært at leve med, at jeg måtte nøjes med guitarer i discount prisklassen.
Tremor – altså rysten på hænderne – er desværre en lidelse, vi har døjet meget med i vores familie, og jeg er da heller ikke gået fri. I en alder af 67 år, kan jeg stadig spille fingerspil. Rytmeguitar med plekter kan jeg ikke længere spille, da min tremor er værst i højre hånd, og bliver yderligere provokeret af store rytmiske bevægelser.
Derfor ved jeg reelt ikke, om min tremor efterhånden helt vil forhindre mig i at spille guitar. Alt dette har kun forstærket mit ønske om at eje en ordentlig guitar, mens jeg stadig kan spille på den.
Derfor er jeg så glad for, at jeg fandt Dowina, inden det var for sent. Min Dowina har kostet i omegnen af DKR 7000.- Altså langt under, hvad en tilsvarende kvalitet koster hos de “store guitarmærker.”
Sagt meget kort: Træet har et flot farvespil, og håndværket er perfekt. Dowina laver mange andre guitarer, også nogle som er væsentlig dyrere end denne, og selvfølgelig, hvis jeg en dag vinder i lotto….! Men det sker nok ikke. Og lige en ting mere: guitaren er 45mm ved første bånd. Det er lige den bredde, der passer til mit spil, og min anatomi. Det er ikke uvæsentligt, at man har et gribebræt, der passer til en.
In English
I usually dont translate my website to English, but maybe I should do more of that in the future.
I’ve always wanted to be able to afford a really good guitar. Not the least after I have retired and therefore have time to develop my guitar playing again. But I’m not rich – at least not in terms of money, so I really had learned to live with with guitars in the discount price range. And some of them are actually good – but without spirit.
Tremor – that is, the shaking of the hands – is unfortunately a disorder that we have suffered with a lot in my family, and I have not been spared from it either. At the age of 67, I can still fingerpick. But, I can no longer play rhythm guitar with a flatpick, as my tremor is worst in my right hand, and is further provoked by large rhythmic movements.
Therefore, I really don’t know if my tremor will eventually completely prevent me from playing the guitar. All of this has only strengthened my desire to own a proper guitar while I can still play it.
That’s why I’m so glad I found Dowina before it was too late. My Dowina has cost around DKR 7000.- ( Less than USD 1000) In other words, far below what a similar quality costs at the “big guitar brands.”
In short: The wood has a nice play of colors and the craftsmanship is perfect. No flaws anywhere. Dowina makes many other guitars, including some that are significantly more expensive than this one, and of course, if one day I win the lottery….! But that probably won’t happen, unless of cause I start playing in the lottery. And just one more thing: the guitar is 45mm at the first fret. It’s just the right width for my way of playing and my anatomy. It is important that you have a fingerboard that suits you, and it took me some time, to find the nut width that suits me.
Hi, just wanted to say, I loved this blog post.
It was practical. Keep on posting!